The easiest job board solution for associations

Increase non-dues revenue and member engagement with our best-in-class job board software.

Member Engagement
New website visitors
Non-dues revenue
SAIS Careers
Trusted by 400+ organizations
USA Swimming
A job board that’s easy to manage

We’ve designed our platform with you in mind. It’s simple to use for staff, employers and job seekers.

Once you’re up and running, our team performs every task to maintain, and market a job board so no dedicated association staff is required.

SmartJobBoard Dashboard
Grow your association with a job board
Increase member engagement

Increase member engagement
With a job board, you’re offering a highly engaging service to both job seekers and employers.
Generate revenue

Create new revenue opportunities
Take your association’s revenue to the next level without raising member dues by offering paid job postings.
Boost web traffic

Boost website traffic
Job boards encourage new visitors to come to your association’s website. With this new traffic on your site, you’ll improve your visibility.
Attract new members

Attract new members
Career advancement is among the top reasons members join an associations. You’ll encourage new memberships by connecting people to career opportunities.
Trusted by leading associations
Clay Gibney
“Revenue earned from our job board has exceeded our expectations! We have been pleased to see many of our employers purchase the higher priced ‘featured jobs’ packages. This is something we were not able to offer in our previous job board.”
Clay Gibney,

Director of Technology
Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)
Enable single sign-on for a seamless member experience

We integrate with leading membership platforms to provide single sign-on (SSO). With SSO, it’s a breeze for your members to access the job board using their existing login credentials.

SSO form
Membership login
sso avatar
sso arrow mobile
How SmartJobBoard works
Sit back while we create your job board.
The SmartJobBoard team creates a branded job board for your association website.
Watch the job postings roll in.
Your corporate members or partners post jobs using intuitive interface.
Members apply for jobs.
Members and non-members can apply to jobs, depending on your set up.
Collect non-dues revenue.
By charging fees for paid job postings, you can create a steady new revenue stream.
Analyze engagement.
Our simple dashboard gives you an overview of how your members are using the job board.
ACLM Homepage
See what a SmartJobBoard can do for you