Blog Posts

New Update: Blog Enhancements

How do you bring more traffic to your site? This question is one of the ongoing ones and heart-wrenching at times. Jobs can be found anywhere, so having jobs on your site doesn’t necessarily mean you will get as much traffic as you wish. As well as having niche jobs doesn’t automatically make your site unique. But what does make you unique? Answer – your deep knowledge of your niche. Try to create a unique site content, that will help

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The Complete Guide to Competitor Analysis for Job Board Websites

The success of your job board website comes down to a few different factors. Finding the right niche for your job board in the first place, establishing that there’s a market for your services, and putting together a beautiful, easy-to-use online presence. The problem is, all of your competitors are doing that too, so how can you stand out? It’s great to differentiate your job board, but you need to have a marketing strategy and a clear plan — and

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New Applicant Tracking Interface is Now Available

Hello, fellow job boarders all over the world! Let me ask you right off the bat, do you want to keep your clients happy? Do you want to turn them into committed and active users? Do you want them to be satisfied with what they get from your site? I’m convinced your answer is yes 🙂 Many of you know that one way to do it is to provide companies with a seamless, but efficient way of managing and tracking

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New update: Category and Company Page Enhancements

Hey guys! We hope we’re not the only ones who feel as if days starting to get away from us. Just to cheer you up and give you a reason to smile, we worked hard to bring some new enhancements to your job board sites. You must be convinced by now that our main goal here is to make your site successful, and make your life easier managing your business. These couple of additions, I’m sure, will be another step

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New Invisible reCaptcha + Backfill Jobs on Home Page

This new update might not be the biggest one, but surely is one of the most anticipated one by a lot of you guys. They call it small but gold for a reason. I can already picture you leap out of your seats and start dancing salsa once you hear what it’s about 😀 Without further ado, let me talk in detail about these new features. Invisible reCaptcha Those annoying days when bots and spam were attacking your site are

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4 Ninja Moves To Crack the Chicken and the Egg Conundrum

A common problem for any new business is attracting enough customers and revenue to stay afloat. This is difficult enough in a “single-sided market” like selling products to consumers. Those issues are only magnified when you need to attract customers to both sides of your business — when one customer supplies services, while the other customer consumes them. Known as “double-sided markets”, that’s exactly what a job board website is, and solving this conundrum is vital to your success. Although

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Google Analytics For Job Boards: A Beginners Guide

Here at Smartjobboard we’re helping hundreds of job boards to build their businesses every day. And we’ve learned that many people are struggling with using any kind of data analytics in running their websites. Indeed, using analytics tools may look intimidating, it requires experience, knowledge, and skill, which many people might not have. At the same time ignoring the data may become your competitive disadvantage since you may miss some important insights it can give you. So, we have created this guide

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New Update: Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics, Custom Job Alert Form + More

Hey Smart job boarders, I hope summer is treating you well and you are not melting too much 😉 We promised to get back to you with more updates, didn’t we? We keep our promises. Now, let’s get a closer look at new features. Conversion Tracking in Google Analytics Google Analytics is the most popular analytics tool for websites. It’s free and it can give you a lot of insights when used right. It might seem hard, however, to properly

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Smartjobboard is Integrated With a New Google Job Search

As you may all noticed Google has recently launched it’s AI powered job search engine, which significantly enhances the search experience for users making a job search. It’s currently available in United States only, but hopefully will soon be accessible all around the world. And the good news is that Smartjobboard is already integrated with Google job search automatically. No additional steps are needed to be done to make your job postings be indexed by Google. We’ve been working pretty

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Admin Performance Reports & Employer Dashboard

Greetings, my old friends! In this day and age, when the world is ever-changing space, and you cannot have a strong faith in anything, we want to be your rock that you can build your job board on! SmartJobBoard is here for you! And we work on making you and your business successful. This update is not an exception. Admin Performance Reports We absolutely agreed when some of you contacted us and asked to add reports system to the software.

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