New Admin Panel Design


First, we’ve given a new modern look and feel to our admin panel to make everything a little bit more enjoyable. You’ll notice that we’ve also made a few changes in the interface:

1. You may now collapse the left menu by clicking on the “collapse” icon.


2. You can also select custom date ranges in “Job/Resume/Employer” filters.


3. Company name suggestions are now displayed when filtering jobs by employer.


Hide Fields on Job Posting and Registration Forms

Fields on job posting and registration forms can now be hidden.

Oftentimes, it makes sense to hide certain standard fields. For example, if you don’t want to provide an “Apply by URL” option, you can remove it by hiding the “How to apply field” on the job posting form.

Under “Listing Fields > Custom Fields” section you’ll be able to hide fields using the Hidden attribute in field settings .

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