Silicon Slopes — one of Utah’s most prominent tech and startup communities — launched a new job board at

“Utah has a vibrant tech community, and is home to many globally recognized leaders and entrepreneurs, and more than 6,500 startups and technology companies,” explained a representative from Silicon Slopes. “We wanted to help our community by creating a platform where Utah’s tech employers and workers can connect with each other professionally.”
Silicon Slopes already delivered a lot of value to their community. They have served as the voice of Utah’s tech community for many years. They reach over 250,000 each month through their media channels, and organize over 200 events each year. Still, Silicon Slopes felt they could give even more value by participating directly in their local job market.
“Even though we created content, hosted events, and organized local chapters, we knew that we could do more for our audience,” explained Silicon Slopes’ representative. “So, we decided to create a job board that would add even more value to our sponsors, and would help our local tech companies find the skilled talent and high-quality jobs they needed.”
The project was spearheaded by Silicon Slopes’ Director of Technology, Boston McClary, who built the board on his own using SmartJobBoard.
“While I am tech-savvy, building Silicon Slopes’ new job board was a small side project that I was completing on my own,” explains McClary. “I needed to find a solution that let me build a custom job board quickly and easily, but still gave me enough features and scalability to grow the project over time.”
McClary reviewed multiple job board tools, but ultimately chose SmartJobBoard.
“SmartJobBoard had a very short learning curve, and made it fast and simple to design, brand, and construct our new job board,” explains McClary. “It has also given us many features to customize our user experience, and has effortlessly scaled as we’ve hosted more jobs, employers, and candidates.”
McClary and Silicon Slopes launched their new job board a few months after beginning their project. They first offered job postings to their sponsors in July 2021, and then officially launched their board at their annual Silicon Slopes Summit event on October 13th, 2021.
“After just a few months of operation, we are already hosting thousands of local jobs,” said McClary. “Most important, our job board has added real value to our sponsors and audience, and our users have given us a lot of positive feedback on how usable our new board is.”
Silicon Slopes’ board has also generated a few secondary benefits to the organization. It has increased their brand awareness, delivered qualified traffic to their properties, and even created a new revenue stream.
“Several companies have already signed up for packages and pay a monthly subscription to create featured job postings,” explained McClary. “Best of all, each of these benefits are growing organically — every month our job board hosts more job postings, gains candidate profiles, and delivers more revenue.”
Visit Silicon Slope’s job board:
Learn more about the SmartJobBoard Tool: